

‡T. Actual State of the Local Atmospheric Environment

(You may not necessarily be requested to fill in all issue but for your interested fields.)

1. Principal Pollutants

a. Sulfur Oxides (SOx) : 60,327,000 tons/year
Concentration & Location Komsomolsk on Amur- 11,266,000 tons/year, 

Amursk - 5,920,000 tons/year 

Khabarovsk - 3,074,000 tons/year 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard extreme permissible (upper)limit = 0.5ug /m3 

stationary permissible (upper) limit = 0.05ug /m3 

b. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): 44,617,000 tons/year
Concentration & Location Komsomolsk on Amur - 6,486,000 tons/year 

Amursk - 1,186,000 tons/year 

Khabarovsk - 24,402,000 tons/year 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard extreme permissible (upper) limit for NO2 = 0.085 ug /m3 

stationary permissible (upper) limit for NO2 = 0.04 ug /m3 

extreme permissible (upper) limit for NO = 0.4 ug /m3 

stationary permissible (upper) limit for NO = 0.06 ug /m3 

c. Dust and solid aerosols: 65,351,000 tons/year
Concentration & Location Komsomolsk on Amur- 8,868,000 tons/year 

Amursk - 10,195,000 tons/year 

Khabarovsk - 27,000,000 tons/year 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard extreme permissible (upper) limit = 0.5 ug /m3 

stationary permissible (upper) limit = 0.15 ug /m3 

d. Benz(a)pyren:
Concentration & Location Komsomolsk on Amur (local) ? 3.4 SPL(max. doz. ? 24.3 


Khabarovsk (local) - 6.5 SPL (max. doz. - 17.1 SPL) 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard stationary permissible (upper) limit(SPL) = 0.05ug /m3 

e. Hydrocarbons (H/C): 61,616,000 tons/year
Concentration & Location  Komsomolsk on Amur - 11,266,000 tons/year 

Amursk - 5,920,000 tons/year 

Khabarovsk - 32,074,000 tons/year 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard Indefinable 

f. Methylmercaptan
Concentration & Location Amursk (local) - 0.1 SPL (max. doz. - 13.3 SPL). 
Source Cellulose- Paper Industry 
Environmental Standard stationary permissible (upper) limit (SPL) = 9.10-6ug /m3 

g. COx: 361,995,000 tons/year
Concentration & Location  Komsomolsk on Amur - 19,616,000 tons/year 

Amursk - 6,236,000 tons/year 

Khabarovsk - 237,393,000 tons/year 

Source Large Industrial Enterprises and Emission of Motor 


Environmental Standard extreme permissible (upper) limit = 5.0 ug /m3 

stationary permissible (upper) limit = 3.0 ug /m3 


info. (Distribution of sources):

Emission of Motor Transport - 68.8% (Komsomolsk on Amur - 36.4%, Amursk - 20.1%, Khabarovsk - 77.7%).

Emission of Electric Power Station - 17.6 % ( Komsomolsk on Amur - 32.8 % , Amursk - 67.1 %, Khabarovsk - 16.6%).

Emission of Ferrous Metallurgy (Komsomolsk on Amur - 11.2%).

Emission of Engineering and Metal working Industries - 2.1 % (Komsomolsk on Amur- 5.2%, Khabarovsk - 1.1 %).

Emission of Cellulose-Paper Industry (Amursk - 11.9%).

Emission of Fuel Industry - 1.8 % ( Komsomolsk on Amur - 9.3% , Khabarovsk - 7.1%)

( emission in percent to all air pollutants in the city)

2. Impact of Air Pollution on:

Human Health  Unhealthy environment effects population as the Khabarovsk territory it. Air polluted by waste products. The principal contaminants are Cox, dust, Nox, 3-4 benz(a)piren, formaldehyde, methylmercaptan, mercury, H2S, hydrocarbons. Infantile mortally in 1992 was 18.2% per 1,000 new-born children. Next year it increased for another 4.2 per 1,000 inhabitants. The average man life in the Khabarovsk territory inhabitants is 2.5 years less than over the country in general and 13-14 years less than in Japan. Cardiovascular diseases, prevail (49.9%) over all causes of death. After that comes malignant neoplasms(17.1%). 
Ecology Air pollutants from Industries and transport contribute to heavy environmental stress that is affecting human health and ecosystems. Forests, soils, groundwaters and surface waters will inevitably be effected. The pollutants emitted to the atmosphere in one place will fail to the ground, mostly in the form of acid rains but also as dry deposition, in other places which are far away. Acid rain causes degradation of forests and it leads to unfortunate results - forest fires. 
Economic Activities To stop the progressive deterioration of environment, it will be necessary to reduce concentrations and depositions of are pollutants to lessen the critical loads. Critical level can be defined through estimates of the exposure of all pollutants above which adverse effects on receptors, such as specific sensitive biology systems (monitoring systems), plants, ecosystems, may occur , Khabarovsk territory spent more 7,000,000,000 rub in 1994 year for development of monitoring systems and solution other environmental problems. 

3. Measures by:

Government  There is "Fare East Territory Administration of Hidrometeorology and Environment Monitoring" and " Committee of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk territory", which run environmental monitoring & controls by carrying out environmental arrangements in the Khabarovsk Territory. Administration draw up orientation of policy in ecology graphical distribution of productive forces & rational utilization of natural resources in the Territory. 
Business All Large industrial enterprises of Fuel Industry and Electric Power Stations, Cellulose-Paper and Metal working Industries, Ferrous Metallurgy and Enterprises of Municipal Services collaborate environmental programs to improve point of view & ecology to a more healthy ones. 

Consolidated budget of the Territory consists of the territorial budget and the budget of all its districts. All the budgets are implemented independently. In 1994, part of consolidated territory budget (60,115,400,000 rub.) will be allocated on environmental programs. 

Building of sewage disposal works in Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur, Troitskii, Vjazemskii, Amursk; building of gas cleaning plants in Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur and Amursk (Chemical, Oil- refining and Cellulose-Paper Industry) are going on. 

Academic Khabarovsk Technical University, Mining Sefie. Res. Institute, Railway Engineering Institute, Medical Institute, Sefie. Res. Institute of Minerals, Raw Materials, Sefie. Res. Institute of Motherhood, Childhood study pollutants influence on health condition of the population by scientific establishments, conducting tool supervision of pollution , all apheres of nature, including atmosphere. The results of researches are published in scientific work directions of efforts of administration and manufacturers in party safe nature utilizing are developed. 

The essential contribution in improving natural environment brings introducing to production new ecologically safe and sparing natural environment of technologies, equipment methods of production and processing of natural resources. 

Constant search, development and introduction of new highly efficient methods of clearing of departing gases, waste waters, polluted territories are conducted. 

People Most active intellectual and cultural part of the company is voluntary united in various associations. The most representative and of highly authority is Coographical Society, under and at direct sharing of which a number( ) of clubs and associations of a narrower structure are created. 

Organizations which take care of environmental problems are "Public Initiative for Ecology" and "Wildlife foundation" . These organizations are noncommercial and voluntary, they unite the experts- ecologists, scientists, journalists, writers, representatives of culture and businessmen. 

Main spheres of activity NGOs are popularization of ecological knowledge through independent printing agency at Geographical Company and "Economic life of Far East" journal , creation of ecological , lobbing in government ecologically acceptable decisions during compiling large projects, realization of an independent expert evaluation of the new projects and ecological inspection of territories. 


‡U. Transboundary Air Pollution

Feature  Pollutants  Location & Source  Impact on Human & Ecology 

‡V. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Climate Change


1. Inventory and prediction of GHG emission:

[However this chapter should be inspected for Annex ‡T parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change intensively, information for developing countries must be useful to establish policy to cope with climate change.]

(unit: tonnage/year)
GHGs Basic Year 


Prediction in Business-as-Usual(BaU) 

1994 Later(specify:) 

COx(total) 105,400,000  361,995,000
(Industry) 32%  11.9% 
(Transport)  68.8% 
(Energy)  67.6%  19.4% 
CxHy(total)  40,251,000  61,616,000 
NOx(total)  27,500,000  44,617,000 

2. Measures and Strategy to Reduce GHG Emission by the Government:


3. Expected impact of climate change on your country and people?s livelihoods:

Temperature  Tendency of insignifical increase average annual of temperatures on whole territory of edge(territory) is observed 
Precipitation & 


Quicened eased of catastrophic floods in southern regions of edge(territory) and on average Amur that is connected to realization meliorative work by Russia and China in water- meadows of the rivers Amur, Sungary and on other right-banks tributaries, when natural water depot ( bog and water-meadows)is completely drainaged. 
Drought & 


The changes are observed in northern mountain regions. 

There is the deviation of mountain woods in walleys. Everywhere Quicened wood fires. 

Sea Level?s Rise 

& Coastal Area 

On data of long-term supervision (1953-1993) occurs quicened of eases of occurrence extreme winter storm floods in mouth of Amur. 
Ecosystem(land)  Areas degradation of grounds and woods caused by technogenic activity of wood and mining industrial complexes row. Quicened cases of loss acid rains in suburban zones of cities. 

And settlements Khabarovsk , Komsomolsk on Amur, Solnechny, Amursk. 



The pollution of the rivers of pool of the river Amur has a tendency of constant growth. Main pollutant is the Sungary river, lies on territory of China. In general(common) balance of all polluting substances, born by the Amur river in Ochotskoye sea, sea the share of China makes about 80%. 
Diseases & Pests  Decrease(reduction) immunobiology reaction and sevsibilization children?s organism is observed, frequency of defects of development, cancer of diseases and other patalogiesy is increased. A problem is especially sharp costs in Cities 

Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur, where increase of growth cancer of diseases at last 6 years in 2, 3 and in 5 times accordingly is observed. 

Increase of number of cases of ancefalite diseases of the people is observed. 


4. People's proposals and movements:

It is necessary to develop a number(line) of the international programs and realizing their gears on protection of air and water environments and to render continuous pressure on governments countries and regions, inducing them.

To realize these programs, in every possible way to promote free exchange by the objective information on cases of pollution of an environment, methods and technologies of struggle with them.

Messages active alucidates work with population and first of all with children and teenagers on education in them of ecological thinking.

To make compulsory international ecological examination of the dangerous projects planned to the realization in ecological plan, for that widely to involve(attract) independent and authoritative ecologists - the scientists, experts and practical workers.

As much as possible completely to involve(attract) in discussion of the projects a public and first of all a public of those countries and regions, whose interests can be mentioned.

5. Other (Please describe freely.)