

T. Actual State of the Local Atmospheric Environment

(You may not necessarily be requested to fill in all issue but for your interested fields.)


1. Principal Pollutants

a. Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
Concentration & Location SO2 average - 0.004?g/m3 in Ulaanbaator city.

Daily average max - 0.031?g/m3

Source Coal combustion
Environmental Standard Daily average - 0.050?g/m3, Hourly max - 0.500?g/m3 

b. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Concentration & Location NO2 average - 0.020?g/m3 , in Ulaanbaator city.

Daily average max - 0.077?g/m3

Source Coal combustion, automobile exhaust.
Environmental Standard Daily average - 0.040?g/m3, Hourly max - 0.085?g/m3

c. Dust Fall:
Concentration & Location Big cities & South part of country.
Source Dust storm; human activities.
Environmental Standard

d. Suspended Particulate Materials(SPM):
Concentration & Location average - 0.186?g/m3 in Ulaanbaator city.

Daily average max - 2.014?g/m3

Source Coal combustion, automobile exhaust

& natural resources

Environmental Standard Daily average - 0.150 ?g/m3, Hourly max - 0.500 ?g/m3

e. Carbon monooxiide (CO)
Concentration & Location CO average - 1.4 ?g/m3 in Ulaanbaator city.
Source Coal combustion, automobile exhaust.
Environmental Standard Daily average - 3.0 ?g/m3, Hourly max - 5.0 ?g/m3

f. PAH.
Concentration & Location Benzo(a) pyrene: Jan. - March

average - 4.3 ?g/m3

max - 18.5 ?g/m3 in Ulaanbaator city. 

Source Coal combustion
Environmental Standard Daily average - 1.0 ?g/m3

g. Others (specify):
Concentration & Location  
Environmental Standard  

2. Impact of Air Pollution on:

Human Health / Child respiration diseases in urban area are increased in 

winter time.

/ Lost of Human Health

Ecology / In winter NOx ; CO & PAH concentrations of urban air are

exceeded Environmental standards.

/ State of ecosystem in urban area & Bagd Khan Mountain 

Park area are degraded. 

Economic Activities

3. Measures by:

Government /Ministry of Nature & Environment.

/Central laboratory of Environmental Monitoring.



U. Transboundary Air Pollution

Feature Pollutants Location & Source Impact on Human & Ecology
Increase of 



Gross of 



dose rate

Nuclear weapons

test & nuclear 

accident in 

neighbor countries

When was Chernobyl accident, 

gross beta activity in aerosol and 

fall out samples was increased 

by 2 - 20 times compare with 

ordinary level.



effect of 



SO2, NOx,

Acid rain


transport of 


Can effect not only the natural

environment but also may have

far reaching implications for 

commercial and cultural 

activities such as forestry,

agriculture etc.


V. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Climate Change


1. Inventory and prediction of GHG emission:

[However this chapter should be inspected for Annex 1 parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change intensively, information for developing countries must be useful to establish policy to cope with climate change.]

(unit: tonnage/year)



Basic Year


Prediction in Business-as-Usual(BaU)

2000 Later(specify:)

CO2(total) 12,106,000  
(Industry) 220,000    
(Energy) 1,230,500    
CH4 329,700    

2. Measures and Strategy to Reduce GHG Emission by the Government:

The Mongolian Government perceives that any negative effect what may be experienced from potencial climate change could be equivalent to national disaster.

Several steps have been taken to deal with the environmental and natural resources


The new Constitution which was adopted in 1992 included provisious that established new institutions such as the --- Ministry of Nature & Environment , developed new environmental legislation, and has sought natural resources assistance from doners,however,extreme financial constraints limit the possibilities for implementation of these laws and regislations as a results of preliminary estimates evaluation of options available to the country to mitigate and adopt to climate change. Possible midigation options in energy sectors more indentified.

But these findings are preliminary and request more detailed analysis.


3. Expected impact of climate change on your country and people’s livelihoods:

Temperature Historical temperature data(1940-1992) show that annual

air temperature has actually increased 1.8 ℃ in mountain 

regions, 1.0℃ in seleuge river basin ( main crop producing avea), 

and 0.2-0.3℃ in Govi desert & Eastern area of the country.

Precipitation &


Historical meteorological data analyzed from the period 1940-

1990 suggest that climate is gradually becoming dries in arid area 

of the country.

Drought &


Preliminary studies show in increase in desertification in western  and southwestern regions of 

the country. Also in the northern and  northeastern regions there are indicatious area of

permafrost are   decrea agriculture, including crop and livelifood production , water and   

resources, as well as biodiversity we among the most vulnerable  systems  



Diseases & Pests  

4. People’s proposals and movements:

Development & Environment NGO,

FAX: 976-1-312175 TEL: 976-1-312655

General Secretary of Dr. A. Namkhai

President Dr. Ts. Adya Suren. D&E. NGO, Mongolia

FAX :976-1-321401 TEL : 976-1-320943 or 99114231(habd phone)


5. Other (Please describe freely.)